The difference between a water faucet and a design faucet is the difference between adequate and exquisite.
If all you want is running water, stop right here. You are obviously not looking for style.

If on the other hand, you want your water delivered with panache and grace, by a state of the art water system, designed and engineered in Europe, you’ve arrived.
Mico Designs Ltd. presents a select group of kitchen and bathroom products that all share “The art of water”.
Writers, painters and classical composers have all gotten their inspirations from idyllic surroundings. It is no different than the designers, artisans and craftsman who created and built Mico Designs. The high-tech facility in a valley below the Italian Alps, bordering a pristine lake is Old World in location and tradition only.
Only the most advanced techniques combined with the finest materials have gone into the development of Mico Designs. It is born and raised of many dedicated hours of research and development in not only the mechanics and aesthetics, but the ergonomics of the entire product line. The fit, the finish and the feel all contribute to the ultimate goal of Mico Designs: the creation and execution of beautiful designs that are both unique and artistic.

It is said you are known by the company you keep and in the case of Mico Designs the company is very good indeed. All of us at Mico Designs know full well that we live in a world of instant gratification.We will not make you wait for what you want. Orders are filled and shipped as they are received. Mico Designs is “The art of water.” You should expect nothing less than the highest standard of quality, design and customer service from Mico Designs. In other words, you should expect no less than perfect. We don’t!